New Online Social Network, BioMedExperts, to Improve Collaboration Among Medical Researchers
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- Category: Research
Collexis Holdings, Inc. (OTCBB: CLXS), a leading developer of high definition search and knowledge discovery software, announced the debut of BioMedExperts - the first online social network of its kind to improve collaboration among researchers and therefore advance medical science. Collexis launched the new service with more than 1.4 million pre-generated profiles of its expected users from across 120 countries and expects to grow by another two million profiles over the next few months.
EU Pharmacovigilance Strategy: Public consultation on draft legislative proposals
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- Category: Research

The Largest Pharmaceutical Companies and Britain's Serious Fraud Office in the News
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- Category: Research
Oil-for-food: UK probe to cover more companies
A UK government probe into whether GlaxoSmithKline, AstraZeneca and Eli Lilly & Co bribed the Saddam Hussein administration in Iraq may expand to other...
A UK government probe into whether GlaxoSmithKline, AstraZeneca and Eli Lilly & Co bribed the Saddam Hussein administration in Iraq may expand to other...
British ask Lilly for data on Iraq sales
British fraud investigators are questioning Eli Lilly and Co. and at least two other drug makers about possible kickbacks they paid to trade...
UK pulls Glaxo into Iraq fraud probe
Serious Fraud Office has requested documents from GlaxoSmithKline as part of an investigation into kickbacks or bribes that may have...
Transinsight's GoPubMed with Social Networking Features for Biomedical Experts
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- Category: Research
Biomedical research happens in networks of researchers. Social networking web sites like FaceBook, LinkedIn and Xing use personal networks to establish contacts. On these sites, however, connections must be defined by the users themselves. For the first time, GoPubMed now completely and automatically extracts collaboration networks from millions of biomedical science publications.
EMEA concludes new advice to doctors and patients for Champix needed
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- Category: Research

EMEA recommends withdrawal of the marketing authorisations for lumiracoxib-containing medicines
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- Category: Research

5. In the Absence of Direct-to-Consumer Advertising, Online Content Is Critical
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- Category: Research

More Pharma News ...
- 4. Empowered European Consumers Speak with Their Physician about Information Found Online
- 3. Online Physician Portals Evolve into Clinical Resources, Beyond News
- 2. Leverage E-detailing as a Sales Force Supplement
- 1. Connecting to Physicians, on Their Terms
- European Pharmaceutical Marketing in 2008
- Survey Reveals Differing Physician and Patient Perceptions Regarding Impact of Ulcerative Colitis
- Thomson Scientific Launches Thomson Innovation