Taking the Pulse® Europe is a syndicated multi-client study and advisory service focused on research topics and trends impacting European physicians. The study was fielded by telephone among 1,000 European physicians from five countries: the United Kingdom, Germany, Spain, Italy, and France. The survey instrument was presented in the native language of each individual country. Taking the Pulse® Europe provides pharmaceutical and healthcare companies with key data and insight about the evolving nature of physician channel mix, media and technology usage, and healthcare information with the goal of helping companies understand how physicians across Europe access health information.
In addition to the core data, subscribing clients have access to the Manhattan Research analyst team and the ability to request country-specific therapeutic and specialist segmentations.
Five Emerging Trends about European Consumer and Physician Use of New Media
1. Connecting to Physicians, on Their Terms
2. Leverage E-detailing as a Sales Force Supplement
3. Online Physician Portals Evolve into Clinical Resources, Beyond News
4. Empowered European Consumers Speak with Their Physician about Information Found Online
5. In the Absence of Direct-to-Consumer Advertising, Online Content Is Critical
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Source: white paper derived from Cybercitizen® Health Europe and Taking the Pulse® Europe
© Manhattan Research, LLC, 2007