EMBASE Classic, produced by Elsevier, includes the bibliographic records originally published in the 43 Excerpta Medica abstract print journals from 1947 through 1973. The fully digitized database is drawn from approximately 3,400 international journal titles, with a focus on European and North American published literature including non-English language articles. EMBASE Classic contains more than 1.8 million records from the biomedical and pharmacological literature. The historical data in EMBASE Classic, combined with up-to-date records in the EMBASE database (File 73/EMZZ), gives researchers approximately 60 years of information regarding medical and drug-related subjects.
"With EMBASE Classic, researchers can now review advancements made during an extremely fertile period for the sciences, particularly in the areas of molecular biology, marine sciences, vaccines and other drug therapies," said Geoffrey Dick, Director of Publisher Management, Thomson Scientific. "The archived literature should prove invaluable in reviews of toxicology, adverse events and prior art for patent prosecution."
EMBASE Classic enhances research in:
- Drug development
- Pipeline intelligence
- Designing and mounting clinical investigations
- New uses for old drugs
- Approved uses for drugs
- Adverse events and reactions monitoring on old drugs or endogenous compounds
- Preparation of new drug applications
- Product safety and compliance monitoring
EMBASE Classic significantly expands the collection of biomedical and pharmacological literature sought by research professionals. The new database complements current Dialog and DataStar life sciences offerings, including EMBASE® (1974+ in File 73/EMZZ), as well as the recently added BIOSIS Previews® (File 5/BIOL), Zoological Record Online® and MEDLINE (1951+ in File 155/MEZZ) archive data.
For more information about the EMBASE Classic database on Dialog and DataStar, visit www.dialog.com/embaseclassic.
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Thomson Scientific is a business of The Thomson Corporation. Its information solutions assist professionals at every stage of research and development-from discovery to analysis to product development and distribution. Thomson Scientific information solutions can be found at http://scientific.thomson.com.